We are currently using an email listener for pulse email reply and it works fine. What I am wondering is, can we use the same email account for a work pool for email approval ? What is the best practice here for both enable pulse email reply and email approval ?
Email account for email listeners
Hello, let me understand your implementation. You are using an email account for a specific implementation class which now listens to email and doing pulse email reply. You want to make the same email account as default, so when other implementation class doesn't find an email account, it searches for a default work pool account, in here, the same email account. But for you, to get the email approval you are just sending outbound email with the approval section right? No dealing with inbound emails right?
AnoopKrishna Hello, actually, I am using an email account named PulseNotifications for pulse email reply. Now I need to enable approval via email. So, what I am wondering is, can I use the same email address that I specified in PulseNotificaitons email account as receiver. Can I give same email address for both PulseNotifications and work pool account as receiver? I actually wonder that what will happen when 2 different email listeners process on the same email address ? As far as I know, email listeners mark mails as read when processed. So, will there be a conflict when 2 different email listeners try to access and process mails on the same email address ?
EngincanY Hello EngincanY, Have you tried implementing using a single email listener to process based on the subject in the service activity? Inside that service activity, you can call activity for pulse or email approval based on the incoming email subject? As we are listening to a single email box, I think it is much better to go with a single email listener!
duraisankar Thank you, that sounds ok but primary classes in service emails for pulse and email approval are different. One is PegaSocial-Message and the other one is X-X-X-Work-X. So, how can I tackle this ? Also as you said, if I configure a single email listener, does it work for all of my applications? I mean, how should I configure the primary page class of service email ?
EngincanY Can you give a try to the below:
- Give a common Primary Class like Work or Application/ORG level in Service Email rule depends on the Scope of the email box. Let us take ORG-APPL class as this mailbox will be used throughout the application.
- Create a new Activity in that class(ORG-APPL).
- Define two pages with respective classes in Pages & Classes tab in that Activity. One for Pulse and Other for Approval.
- Based on the mail subject condition, Call respective activity in the step page of respective defined pages.
Let me know if it worked in your scenario or not !!!