Vinoth — So basically every pega mobile application have a custom java code ,because most of the built in ootb features doesn’t support on the client (mobile)like decesion table, data pages, when condition etc... which can be achieved by JS. We need to configure Or call our pega code in JS in order to complete/finish the case.
please refer snnipet —-If you want your custom JavaScript scripts to be available offline, you must include the scripts in one of the following ways:
Add a custom script by saving the pypega_ui_userscripts_offline script bundle to the application ruleset, and then add your script files to this bundle.
Save the script as a JavaScript file named pypega_ui_userscript_offline to the application ruleset, and then add custom JavaScript functions to it.
When adding custom JavaScript scripts, you can configure data synchronization by calling the following JavaScript methods:
pega.offline.DataSync.setIntervalBetweenSynchronizationsWhenServerAccessible – Sets the interval (in milliseconds) between subsequent synchronization sessions when the server is available. By default, it is set to 5 minutes.
pega.offline.DataSync.setIntervalBetweenSynchronizationsWhenServerInaccessible – Sets the interval (in milliseconds) between subsequent synchronization sessions when the server is not available. By default, it is set to 1 minute.
pega.offline.Indicator.setDeferDurationTime – Sets the time (in milliseconds) that must pass from the start of the synchronization session before the Syncing/Synced label is displayed on the screen. By default, it is set to 4 seconds.
pega.offline.Indicator.setHideSyncedAfterTime – Sets the time (in milliseconds) that must pass from the end of the synchronization session before the Synced label is no longer displayed on the screen. By default, it is set to 5 seconds.
All values must be greater than 0.-->
When using the defer load option:
The defer load sections or layouts are loaded on the initial load, and the defer load preactivity is always ignored. This behavior affects the performance of loading screens.
Defer load is not supported in tabs. You must use a layout group instead.