We have 3 Options for Tracing an Agent
1)Trace Next Run
2) Trace Now
3)Trace Next Earliest Run
Trace Next Run - Used to trace the agent as per its schedule
Trace Next Earliest Run - Used to trace the agent that is running on multiple nodes
What is the use of Trace Now Option ? Is it used to forcefully run the agent ignoring its schedule ?

azharrkv We have 3 options to trace an agent run. These 3 options have different time window and nodes to trace.

1) Trace Now - This is used to trace the agent immediately on the selected node.

If a requestor to run the agent schedule is created within 1 min, it will trace the execution. If it couldn't identify any requestor in 1 min, it will throw an error.
For standard agent, we can either trace a single item or all the available items queued for processing at that moment.

It doesn't trigger the agent run ignoring its schedule. That is, If there is no queued item at that time, it will simply throw no queue item present error in tracer as mentioned below

However, for Advanced agent, it executes the agent activity irrespective of its schedule when we give Trace Now option.

2) Trace Next Run - Tracer will wait for 30 mins to identify a requestor that runs agent activity. If there is an execution scheduled within 30 mins for the selected node, it will trace its execution.

3)Trace next earliest run - Select this option to trace execution across cluster within 30 mins. It will trace the next earliest run happens in any node across the cluster.

Hope it helps 🙂 Let us know if it doesn't answer your question.

    Trace Now :

    Standard Agent - It doesn't trigger the agent run ignoring its schedule. That is, If there is no queued item at that time, it will simply throw no queue item present error in tracer as mentioned below.
    Advanced Agent - It executes the agent activity irrespective of its schedule when we give Trace Now option.

    Question : Even for Standard Agent as per your screenshot provided, Agent got triggered irrespective of its schedule but as there are no queue items the agent activity is not executed.

    So, when we use Trace Now option, both standard and advanced agents gets triggered irrespective of its schedule.

      azharrkv Let's say we have a standard agent which is scheduled to run after 30 mins from now. If we select Trace Now option now, it will show No Queue item present error as the agent run is scheduled after 30 mins. It means it doesn't trigger Agent activity run like Advanced agent.

        Checking If any Queue Items present should be done after 30 mins from now. But It tried to find the items to start processing which means It ignored the schedule of standard agent right

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