We have a casetype in which on first stage 2 parallel flows are running. The flows of both the parallel processes calls same sub process, where assignment A gets created. After A assignment is completed the process moves to assignment B for approval to some person. Later we want an provision tht user can bring bck assignment back to assignment A from approval at any time. We tried to use set ticket and bringing it bck but the issue is it brings both the assignments at approval assignment b back even though we r setting ticket on one. May be bcz both assignments have same sub processes.
Any other way??
Moving back to some other assignment in a flow
This is expected with Pega design. See if you could pass ticket name as parameter in sub-flow and make sure the value is passed only from the 1st parallel process when the sub-flow is invoked.
I've not tried this practical. try once and let me know
6 days later
We changed the approach n used StartFlow instead.