Hello Everyone..In my project i have a requirement of creating time slots based on working hours entered by the doctor(e.g,10 to 5).With a break of 30 mins in between for lunch..Have to store that values to be able to selected by user when they are creating appointment ..How can i achieve this

    3 months later

    I would like to rather give a much wider solution to the problem:
    For the doctors, their data should be stored in a data type (Org-ApplicationName-Data-DoctorDetails), and every doctor will have a record in this table. This record should have a structure as below:

    • StartTime
    • EndTime
    • BreakHoursList(Org-ApplicationName-Data-BreakHours)

    On login of doctor, they should have option to enable their profile, once they do that the data should be updated in the record of the datatype.

    Now comes in user, When user is trying to book appointment he should get a dropdown to select the doctor he wants to meet. On selecting, he should be getting the details from the data type to show the working hours and break details.

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