I hava created a mobile channel interface. The background image and logo has been changed in the pega side. But when this application is being scanned with QRcode to preview mobile app, the preview app login page remains same.
Approaches tried->

  1. Used theme
  2. Used assets.zip.(I am not sure about what is splash screen).
    If anyone has faced this kind of issue, please guide me to resolve this issue

    AnoopKrishna what is splash screen

    The first screen which you see after launching the app is called splash screen. Usually in that screen, it will be company logo or loading icon.

    Are you trying to change that?

      duraisankar Yes I am trying to change it..I want to change logo and background image of the splash screen...actually i downloaded asset.zip and changed and again and uploaded back. The logo got changed in mobile channel. But after re-scanning its not getting reflected.

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